インドツアー練習ラウンド・事前の準備 Practice rounds preparation for tournaments in India



日本の試合で行ったことのないコースであれば練習ラウンドへ行く前に楽天GORAのコース写真やドローン映像とGoogle Earthを使って大まかなコース戦略を立てておいて、練習ラウンド当日にグリーンの起伏と硬さと速さ、ティショットの落下地点の地面と芝の状態、バンカーとグリーン周りの状態をチェックします。あとはコースメモがインドでは売ってないので日本でざっくりとしたコースメモを事前に作成していき、現地でそれらが合っているか確認して作り上げていきます。









I played in nine tournaments in India last year, but every course was a first for me.

In India, depending on the day of the pro-am, a designated practice day is basically set up the day before the tournament.

If it is a course that I have never played in a Japanese tournament, I use Rakuten GORA course photos, drone footage, and Google Earth to create a rough course strategy before going for a practice round, and on the day of the practice round, I check the undulations, hardness, and speed of the green, the condition of the ground and grass where the tee shot will land, and the condition of the bunkers and around the green. Also, since course notes are not sold in India, I make rough course notes in Japan in advance, and then check and create them when I get there.

The difference between India and Japan is the amount of time you can spend checking the course.

Fast play is stricter in India than in Japan, and in practice rounds, you can’t re-hit unless you hit the ball out of bounds or into the red penalty area, whereas in Japan, if you don’t hit the green, you can hit another ball, and in any situation, you hit another ball with the tacit consent of your companion.

In India, you are allowed to hit more than one ball from around the green, but if the group behind you gets in a position to aim for the green, you must vacate the green as soon as possible, which is a pretty strict rule.

If you are on the green without noticing that someone is coming up behind you, you will hear whistles and voices from behind telling you to open up the green, and the course management is also patrolling the course, so if you don’t follow the rules, they will come and warn you. I was warned during the practice round of the first match without knowing the situation 😓

So I learned in the first match that it is best to play a round on a day other than the designated practice day when there are no time restrictions.

However, even in subsequent matches, there were many times when I couldn’t go around on days other than the designated practice days because the courses were booked up for events or I was turned down by the membership course. In those cases, I would get permission from the course to walk around and check the course before and after the customers had finished their practice.

There was only one game where the course had a lot of ups and downs, and we were not allowed to go around or enter the course except on the designated practice days, so it was a bit tough when we had to walk two rounds, one round for course check and one round for practice, on the day before the game (lol)

The second half of the season is scheduled to start in early August, and the organizers told us to wait a bit because the schedule will be announced at the end of June, so let’s look forward to it👌

